
Meeting Types

Council Meetings

Elkins Common Council (i.e., “city council”) meets in the council chamber on the second floor of Elkins City Hall, which is located at 401 Davis Avenue.

There are two main types of council meetings – Regular and Special.

Meeting Calendar

Regular Meetings

Council’s regular meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. in the council chambers on the second floor of Elkins City Hall.

Special Meetings

Special meetings are meetings held at times other than regular meetings. They may be scheduled by council at a preceding meeting, or they may be “called” at any time by either the mayor or any three council members.


Public Notice

Agendas for all regular and special meetings must be posted in city hall. For the public’s convenience, agendas and meeting minutes are also posted on this site.

Agendas for regular meetings are posted on the third business day preceding the meeting (usually a Monday). They may be amended until the end of the second business day before the meeting (usually a Tuesday).

Agendas for special meetings must be posted no later than the second business day preceding the meeting. They may be amended until the end of the second business day before the meeting.

Public Attendance and Comment

Meetings are open to the public, and every regular meeting includes a “public comment” agenda item, when any city resident or taxpayer is entitled to address the council on items appearing on that meeting’s agenda.

Council may permit other speakers to address council, and it may permit speakers to comment on subjects that are not on the agenda. However, the West Virginia Open Governmental Meetings Act prohibits council from discussing any subjects not listed on that meeting’s agenda. Such topics may be referred to committee or placed on a later agenda.

For the complete and most recent Rules of Council:

View Rules

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