Last modified on February 8, 2023 at 10:35 pm

City Clerk

West Virginia Code, the Elkins City Charter, and Elkins City Code assign a variety of duties to the Elkins city clerk. The clerk’s primary duties are to provide procedural and research support for the legislative process, maintain official records of council proceedings, serve as the liaison between council and the public, administer city elections, and administer the civil service hiring process for the police and fire departments. The clerk also supervises Communications. Additional clerk duties include serving as mayor in the mayor’s absence or inability to serve.

For deeds, wills, liens, and birth/death/marriage records, please consult the Randolph County Clerk.

For More Information

Sutton Stokes

Elkins City Clerk

401 Davis Avenue
Elkins, WV 26241
304.636.1414, ext. 1211 (office)

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