Animals & Pets
This page contains information about the regulation of animals in Elkins.
Types of Animals
In the City of Elkins, it is illegal for dogs to run at large, and you must collect and dispose of all dog waste, even on your own property.
The city imposes no licensing or tags requirement for dogs. However, Randolph County requires that all dogs be registered through the Randolph County Assessor’s Office at 304.636.2114.
Cats may run at large. You must collect and dispose of all cat waste on your own property. The city does not require that cats be licensed.
The keeping of chickens and other fowl is permitted as an accessory use to a dwelling, provided that the number of fowl shall not exceed six (6) and subject to certain provisions. Roosters are prohibited. See zoning code section 21-95(e).
Elkins City Code prohibits keeping pigs inside city limits, even varieties that are commonly kept as pets elsewhere (e.g., pot-bellied pigs, etc.)
It is not illegal to ride horses or operate horse-drawn vehicles inside city limits, provided that no horse waste is permitted to remain in any public right of way.
Riders/drivers must ensure that they comply with all applicable state laws, including the marking and/or lighting of horse-drawn vehicles for visibility by motor-vehicle operators.
Animal Control
Although animal control services are provided by Randolph County, not the City of Elkins, contact information for the Randolph County Animal Control Officer and the Randolph County Humane Society is provided for here for your convenience. In an emergency situation, call 911.
Randolph County Animal Control Officer
Randolph County Humane Society
P.O. Box 785
195 Weese Street Extension
Elkins, WV 26241
For More Information
Sutton Stokes
Elkins City Clerk
401 Davis Avenue
Elkins, WV 26241
304.636.1414, ext. 1211 (office)