Last modified on February 8, 2023 at 5:53 pm

Riverfront Plan

Elkins is fortunate to have the Tygart Valley River passing through the heart of the city, but various factors have historically limited the river’s appeal and accessibility. To address these factors and unlock the river’s potential for recreation, natural resource protection, and even economic development, City of Elkins–in partnership with Woodlands Development Group and the West Virginia Community Development HUB–worked with GAI Consultants to produce the Elkins Riverfront Plan.

The plan was developed with input from community members at public meetings and with the guidance of a team of city officials, community leaders, recreation experts, and other stakeholders. The plan was presented to the city in September of 2022.

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Focus Areas

The Elkins Riverfront Plan lays out a multi-step approach for making the Tygart Valley River an even more valuable and enjoyable resource for residents and visitors alike. Proposed work items include vegetation enhancement and management, existing trail enhancement, new trail development, fishing access, way-finding (i.e., signage), bridge improvements, water access, and public art. The plan targets a section of the river from the vicinity of South Davis Avenue to Flood Control Road and zooms in on three focus areas in particular to highlight development and improvement opportunities in greater detail:

Focus Area 1: Glendale Park/Wetland Trail/River Bend Park
Focus Area 2: Glendale Park Connection
Focus Area 3: Rail Depot/River Connection

Cost & Phases

GAI Consultants estimates the total cost of implementation at $2.4-$3.3 million. The plan divides the work into the following three phases, with associated costs:

  • Tygart Valley River–South (Davis Ave. Bridge to River Bend): $550,000-$660,000
  • Trail Signage and Wayfinding: $40,000-$50,000
  • Trail Loops, Launch, Amenities, & Sidewalk Connections: $1.8-$2.55 million

City officials are currently working with GAI Consultants to explore grant funding possibilities.

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Overall Trail Master Plan Map

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For More Information

Sutton Stokes

Elkins City Clerk

401 Davis Avenue
Elkins, WV 26241
304.636.1414, ext. 1211 (office)

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