By: Nick ZwinggiOctober 2, 2022

New Alley Parking Limits

Parking in downtown alleys allowed only while loading/unloading

Parking is no longer allowed in downtown alleys under a new law passed by council. Outside the downtown area, alley parking remains allowed under certain conditions. The primary reason for the changes is to ensure access for emergency vehicles.

In downtown alleys, the law states, “no person shall park a vehicle within an alley… except when actually loading or unloading goods, wares, or merchandise, and then for a period not to exceed thirty minutes.” For the purposes of this law, the downtown is the area bounded by Railroad Avenue, Randolph Avenue, John Street, and Lohr Lane, the alley that runs parallel to and south of First Street.

In the rest of the city, under the new law, alley parking is allowed, as long as vehicles are positioned in such a way as to leave a 10-foot width of the roadway available for the free movement of emergency vehicles and other traffic.

Throughout the city, exceptions may exist. Motorists must in all cases obey posted “no parking” and “no standing” signs.

For more about parking in Elkins:


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