By: Sutton StokesJune 15, 2021

ARPA Committee Reviews Rules at First Meeting

Elkins, W. Va., June 15, 2021: Mayor Jerry Marco’s ad hoc ARPA Advisory Committee met for the first time last week. The committee was established to advise the Elkins council as it considers how to make use of approximately $3 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fiscal Recovery Funds (FRF) awarded to the city earlier this year.

The ARPA Advisory Committee consists of the chairpersons of each of council’s five standing committees. The committee’s chairperson will be Mike Hinchman (chairperson of the Finance Committee). The committee’s other members are Marilynn Cuonzo (Municipal Properties Committee), Rob Chenoweth (Personnel Committee), David Parker (Public Safety Committee), and Nanci Bross-Fregonara (Rules & Ordinances).

At this first meeting, which was held in the council chamber at city hall last Tuesday, the committee reviewed guidance documents received from the U.S. Treasury Department. These documents are still undergoing public review and comment and may change further before being finalized.

At recent meetings, the Elkins council authorized creation of a bank account for managing the city’s ARPA funds and authorized Mayor Marco to execute documents required by the U.S. Treasury prior to disbursement of any funds. No disbursement of ARPA funds has been received by City of Elkins yet.

According to the U.S. Treasury Department, ARPA funds will be distributed in two equal disbursements, half in 2021 and half in 2022. ARPA funds cannot be used to cover expenditures made prior to March 3, 2021. Funds must be obligated no later than December 31, 2024, and expenditures to cover those obligations must occur no later than December 31, 2026.

The committee will next begin evaluating proposed expenditures as well as planning for public input opportunities. The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 13, at 1:30 p.m.




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