By: Sutton StokesOctober 27, 2022

Garman Bequest Funds New Rubber Mulch for City Park

Delivery was taken of 48,000 pounds of rubber mulch at City Park today. This is the first of two shipments of mulch, for a total of 96,000 pounds, that will be installed in all of City Park’s playground and swing-set areas for increased safety and added visual appeal. The purchase of this mulch, at a cost of $22,672, was funded through a bequest in the will of Donald Garmer.

The bequest funds are restricted by the terms of Mr. Garmer’s will for use in City Park, but the Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission has already authorized the purchase of additional rubber mulch for all playgrounds throughout the Elkins park system using ARPA funds. The mulch for the other playgrounds will be ordered after installation of the City Park mulch, so that EPRC officials can verify the accuracy of their estimates concerning the needed amounts.

After the second shipment of mulch for City Park arrives, and before installation can begin, the site must be prepared. A contractor will use heavy equipment to remove the old mulch and dig out the areas to a uniform depth. Excavation using hand tools will be necessary close to play equipment and swing sets. Landscaping fabric must also be put in place before the mulch can be added.

EPRC has already committed Garmer bequest funds for replacement of all exterior lighting in City Park, installation of tamper-proof covers on exterior breaker boxes and control panels, sign replacement, resealing the basketball court, resealing the old tennis court and lining it for pickleball and cornhole, and repairing a broken beam on the large pavilion. Possible future projects, the viability of which will depend on the cost and availability of materials, include replacement and repair of playground equipment (including new accessibility swings), pavilion roof replacements, extensive building repairs, security cameras, purchase of tools, upgrades to restroom fixtures, accessible playground structures, an ADA-accessible water fountain with dog bowl, and more.

The City of Elkins Street Department assisted in moving today’s shipment of 24 1-ton bundles of mulch from a staging area provided by the U.S. Forest Service on the grounds of the Monongahela National Forest Headquarters.

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