“Social Distancing” Bill Payment Options
In response to the coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak, one strategy recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is “social distancing,” or avoiding unnecessary contact with other people.
Instead of paying your utility bill in person, keep in mind that we offer online bill payment (at no additional charge).
You can also drop your payment in the box behind city hall.
Governor’s Guidance for Week 4 Reopenings
The official “Week 4” phase of West Virginia’s statewide reopening plan starts Thursday, May 21 (with some categories of businesses allowed to open Monday, May 18). Below is an excerpt from the governor’s West Virginia Strong: The Comeback web page showing the business categories […]
Read MoreCity Hall News: Week of Feb. 28, 2022
Meeting this week are council’s Personnel Committee and the Elkins Tree Board. Council meets Thursday at 7 p.m. The Personnel Committee meets Monday at 12 p.m. to consider implementing a system of longevity pay and how to apportion an increase in the […]
Read MoreElkins Returning to In-Person Meetings
Council Meetings will be held at Phil Gainer Community Center Elkins, W. Va., February 24, 2021: Elkins Common Council and its committees will return to in-person meetings March 1, Mayor Van Broughton ordered last week. Committee meetings will be held in council […]
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