Bulk Pickups Schedule Change
Now also available for business customers
In response to public feedback, the schedule for free monthly pickup of bulk trash items has been simplified. The program, which was originally restricted to residential customers, is now open to business customers, as well. This program replaces annual Spring Cleanup, which will no longer be offered.
Under this program, residential and business customers may dispose of furniture, appliances, and other bulk trash items monthly at no extra charge. Only one item will be accepted per month from each address through this service.
Free bulk-item pickups are provided once per month. The schedule for free bulk-item pickups is based on the day your regular trash is picked up each week. Please consult the table below.
To take advantage of this service, place ONE ITEM for bulk pickup CURBSIDE no later than 6 a.m. on the day indicated below. Items must be placed curbside even if your household trash is normally picked up in an alley. Items may not always be collected on the given day.
[table “33” not found /]Acceptable materials for bulk pickups include furniture, appliances, and other large household items. We cannot accept yard waste, chemicals and hazardous materials, or building materials and demolition waste.
Again, this service replaces the annual Spring Cleanup. Bulk pickups are a separate program from special pickups, which are scheduled at customer request, may be used to dispose of multiple items, and incur fees.
For more information about this program: www.cityofelkinswv.com/bulk-pickups.
Contact the Operations Department with any questions: 304-636-1414, ext. 1437 | spoe@cityofelkinswv.com.
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