Change Affecting Paperless Billing
City of Elkins Utility Billing recently made a change that affects certain customers who are signed up for online payments.
Due to a compatibility issue between our online electronic payments service provider (PSN) and our accounting software, we are unable to switch customers to paperless billing without terminating their access to online historical statements and water usage on the PRN website. Because of this problem, customers previously continued to receive paper bills even if they had requested paperless billing on the PRN website. These customers also received a monthly “eBill Statement” sent via email by PSN (from
As of a few weeks ago, we have now changed how all customers requesting paperless billing will receive their bills. All of these customers will now receive their bills as PDF email attachments (from
However, these customers will no longer be able to access online historical statements and water usage on the PSN website. The only way to access these features currently is by continuing to receive a paper bill.
If you have requested paperless billing but would like to regain access to online historical statements and water usage on the PSN website, please contact Utility Billing to request a return to paper billing.
Utility Billing Manager
Carolyn Dolly
Phone: (304) 636-1414, ext. 1720
401 Davis Avenue, Elkins, WV, 26241
Utility Billing Clerk
Dan Stemple, Utility Billing Clerk
Phone: (304) 636-1414, ext. 1715
401 Davis Avenue, Elkins, WV, 26241
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