By: Sutton StokesApril 4, 2020

City Hall News: April 6-10, 2020

Elkins, W. Va., April 4, 2020: Council’s Finance Committee kicks off the week with a meeting Monday at 10 a.m. Items on the agenda include consideration of next year’s police cruiser fleet contract; a presentation by Woodlands Development Group & Community Lenders on a proposed bridge-loan program for small businesses impacted by coronavirus closures; and the PEIA plan premium. The committee will also discuss proposed FY 2020 budget adjustments.

In compliance with federal recommendations and the West Virginia governor’s stay-home order, Monday’s Finance Committee meeting will be virtual; login information is available at

The next council meeting, scheduled for 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, will also be a virtual meeting; login information for that meeting and all other council and committee meetings will be posted on the above page.

City hall remains closed under the citywide state of emergency declared by the mayor on March 17. However, the city continues to provide services. Emergency services are operating at normal staffing levels and are all reachable via 911.

The operations department, the treasurer’s department, and the offices of the mayor and city clerk are all in operation under modified procedures. If you have questions or need to share information with city staff, the best method is via email, using departmental contact information that can be found on the city website: Because some personnel are working at home or on alternating shifts to reduce infection risk, responses to phone messages may be delayed.

The city government’s efforts to limit contact between staff and the public, as well as between coworkers within departments, have been successful so far. There are no reported coronavirus infections among city staff members.

To keep up on the latest city news, consider joining the city’s email list at Elkins City Hall also posts news and information at and



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