City Hall News: December 5, 2020
Elkins, W. Va., December 5, 2020: The U.S. flag at Elkins City Hall will remain at half-mast until after the funeral service for Cassie Johnson, the Charleston Police Department officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty last Tuesday. Her funeral has not yet been scheduled.
Next week there will be meetings of the Elkins Planning Commission and the Elkins Police Civil Service Commission. Also meeting are council’s Finance Committee and Rules & Ordinances Committee. The city has suspended collecting loose leaves with the vacuum truck for the year but will pick up bagged leaves by request. Call: (304)-636-1414, ext. 1437.
The agenda for Monday’s 10 a.m. Finance Committee meeting includes discussion of the Elkins Police Department’s fleet management program, a request for a donation by the Elkins High School athletics department, and consideration of proposed budget revisions.
On Tuesday at 8:30 a.m., the Police Civil Service Commission meets to plan a new round of testing for entry-level officers. This round of testing will be to fill two vacancies, one in an already funded position and one in a new position funded by a U.S. DOJ COPS Hiring Program grant award. This grant funds 75 percent of an entry-level officer’s salary and fringe benefits for 36 months.
The Rules & Ordinances Committee meets Thursday at noon to consider possible amendments to Ordinance 277, which was sent back to committee at Thursday’s council meeting. If approved, Ordinance 277 would allow the operation on city streets of what W. Va. Code §17A-13-1 refers to as street-legal special purpose vehicles.
At Thursday’s 1 p.m. virtual meeting of the Elkins Planning Commission, commissioners continue work toward an updated zoning code for Elkins. This project has been ongoing since 2016, and commissioners hope to present a proposed ordinance to council during the first half of 2021.
Utility customers with overdue bills must remit payment by 8 a.m. Monday to avoid shutoff. Follow the link for information on paying by phone or online:
Storm Warning: Plan for power outages/loss of heat
There is a Winter Storm Warning in effect through 10 a.m. Friday, with significant accumulations of snow and ice predicted. These conditions may result in power outages and loss of heat. If you are without heat and need assistance, please call 911. […]
Read MoreInspection of Elkins Water System Finds No Deficiencies
Officials from the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) inspected the City of Elkins water system in February and found no deficiencies. Federal law requires these inspections, known as “sanitary surveys,” every three years. A sanitary survey is a […]
Read MoreCity Hall News: March 23-27, 2020
In response to the nationwide coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Mayor Van Broughton declared a citywide state of emergency last Tuesday, following similar declarations by the president and the governor of West Virginia. The Randolph County Commission declared a countywide state of emergency Thursday.
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