By: Sutton StokesFebruary 14, 2021

City Hall News for week of Feb. 15, 2021

Elkins, W. Va., February 13, 2021: Next week, both the Elkins Sanitary Board and council’s Finance Committee hold special meetings. Council, its Municipal Properties Committee, and the Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission meet as regularly scheduled. Early in-person voting for the 2021 city election begins Wednesday at 9 a.m., at city hall.

In observance of Presidents’ Day, city hall is closed Monday. Monday trash pickup will proceed as usual.

The agenda for the Finance Committee’s 2 p.m. meeting on Tuesday includes the following items: city hall parking lot project update, consideration of social-media archiving software, FY 2021 budget revisions, and FY 2022 budget planning.

Also on Tuesday, at 3:15 p.m., the Elkins Sanitary Board, which oversees the city’s sewer system, meets to discuss equipment replacement at the wastewater treatment plant, the possibility of establishing a city water board, and a proposed RFP for a sewer line extension along North Randolph Avenue. Other agenda items include review of invoices and financial statements and an update on the sewer/stormwater separation project that commenced February 1.

At the Municipal Properties Committee’s 9 a.m. Wednesday meeting, agenda items include discussion of the Elkins Main Street Streetscape plan, an update on the city hall parking lot project, a proposed crosswalk safety project, and the next phase of ongoing downtown tree replacements.

The Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission meets Wednesday at 5 p.m., at the Phil Gainer Community Center.

Council meets in regular session Thursday at 7 p.m. The agenda may be adjusted through Tuesday. Currently entered are the following items: the first of two readings of an updated ordinance that would allow the operation of street-legal special purpose vehicles on city streets; the assignment of new Operations Department positions to the city’s Compensation and Classification Plan; a change order to the city’s contract with Pickering Associates to fund a riverfront study; the reappointment of the city attorney; and revisions to the FY 2021 General, Sanitation, and Water Funds.

Unless otherwise stated, all of the above meetings are virtual. Agendas and login information are here:



City Hall News

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