City Hall News: November 14, 2020
Elkins, W. Va., November 14, 2020: Council meets in regular session Thursday. Also meeting this week are council’s Municipal Properties Committee, the Elkins Sanitary Board, the Elkins Tree Board, the Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission, and the Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission.
The Sanitary Board, which oversees the city’s sewer system, meets Monday at 3:15 p.m. Agenda items include an update on the ongoing Phase II Sewer Project (stormwater separation), discussion of the Sylvester Drive Sewer Study, and review of financial information.
The Tree Board meets at 5:30 p.m. on Monday to discuss greenspace and interpretive opportunities for city parks. The Historic Landmarks Commission meets Tuesday, at 4 p.m.
On Wednesday, at 9 a.m., the Municipal Properties Committee will review draft design documents for paving, lighting, and other improvements to both the city employee and public parking areas behind city hall. Also on Wednesday, at 5 p.m., the Parks and Recreation Commission meets to hear reports and review its ongoing pandemic precautions.
The agenda for Thursday’s council meeting is not yet complete. One item will be the final reading of an ordinance adopting any charter changes that were not objected to before the end of the November 9 public hearing.
As a reminder, per an order of the W. Va. Supreme Court, anyone appearing in Elkins Municipal Court, whether as a defendant or witness, must wear a face covering or be barred from entering. If you are on trial or under subpoena, this will be considered a failure to appear.
Fire Protection Service Fee bills will be mailed to customers with property outside the city on November 16. Utility bills are due November 18.
City Hall News: Week of February 20, 2023
Meeting next week are council’s ad-hoc Organizational Audit Committee, and the Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission. City hall will be closed Monday in observance of Presidents’ Day. Garbage service will run on regular schedule. Utility bill and in-city Fire & Rescue Service Fee […]
Read MoreExplainer: What’s a “Canvass”?
On Monday, at 11 a.m., the Elkins council will convene in public session at the Phil Gainer Community Center as the Elkins Board of Canvassers. The purpose of the meeting is to canvass the election that was held Tuesday. What does it […]
Read MoreCity Hall News: December 20, 2020
Elkins, W. Va., December 20, 2020: Elkins City Hall will close for the Christmas holiday on Thursday, December 24 at noon and reopen for normal business hours on Monday, December 28. Garbage normally picked up on Fridays will be picked up this […]
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