By: Sutton StokesApril 11, 2021

City Hall News: Week of April 12, 2021

Elkins, W. Va., April 10, 2021: Council’s regular meeting has been postponed to Tuesday, April 20. Meeting this week are council’s Public Safety Committee, Personnel Committee, and Rules & Ordinances Committee.

On Monday at 10 a.m., the Public Safety Committee will hear reports from city public safety officials and continue discussions of public complaints about the property at 898 Cole Avenue. The committee has announced that it will continue to meet second Mondays at 10 a.m.

Later Monday, at 1 p.m., the Personnel Committee will discuss personnel policy and consider a personnel matter in the Elkins Fire Department.

On Wednesday at noon, in a meeting that was postponed from last week for lack of a quorum, the Rules & Ordinances Committee will consider dissolving the city’s Enforcement Agency. This action was recommended by the mayor’s ad hoc Committee on Boards and Commissions because the Enforcement Agency has not met in several years and its responsibilities have shifted to full-time public safety employees and council’s Public Safety Committee.

Also on the Rules & Ordinances agenda are proposed changes to the Firefighters Civil Service Commission rules and possible amendments to the ordinance that established the Elkins Tree Board.

The Elkins Planning Commission meets virtually on Thursday at 1 p.m. to continue work on a new zoning ordinance, a project that began in 2016 and is planned for completion in 2021. Agenda items include rules related to telecommunications infrastructure and the boundaries of the Central Business District zone. Login info here:

Council’s regular second meeting of the month, which would normally occur on Thursday, has been postponed to Tuesday, April 20, the date on which all West Virginia city councils and county commissions are required to finalize their budgets for the 2022 fiscal year, which begins July 1. The April 20 meeting will be held at the Phil Gainer Community Center.

All of this week’s meetings will be held in person in council chambers at Elkins City Hall (401 Davis Avenue), unless otherwise stated. Agendas may be adjusted until two business days before meetings.



City Hall News

Catalogged in:

municipal court

Municipal Court Hours Changing July 1

Effective July 1, 2020, the Elkins Municipal Court’s hours will change. Starting on that date, court will be in session on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 p.m.-4:30 pm.   Also, for individuals wishing to contest traffic and/or parking citations, the judge will be […]

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Utility Billing

“Social Distancing” Bill Payment Options

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Water Department

Water Line Replacement Near Orchard Street

On Monday, City of Elkins Water System employees will start a three-phase project to replace a water line under a disused alley near Orchard Street that has been the source of frequent leaks in recent years. The project is currently projected to […]

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