By: Sutton StokesAugust 8, 2021

City Hall News: Week of August 9, 2021

Elkins, W. Va., August 7, 2021: Meeting this week are council’s Public Safety Committee and ARPA Advisory Committee. City hall will be closed Friday.

On Monday at 10 a.m., the Public Safety Committee will hear a request to lower the speed limit on Boundary Avenue. The committee will also begin prioritizing dilapidated structures for enforcement action during fiscal year 2022 and hear reports from the city’s public safety officials.

The ad hoc ARPA Advisory Committee meets Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. to continue consideration of possible uses for funds received by Elkins under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The city has been awarded approximately $3 million, half of which has been received and half of which will be disbursed next summer.

Elkins City Hall will be closed on Friday for electrical work being performed as part of the parking-lot project. As a result of this electrical work, the building will be without power all day. For more information about the parking-lot project, see:



City Hall News

Catalogged in:

charter change

Restructure Council?

Last in a series of four articles about the charter change process Last week, Elkins Common Council began public deliberations on possible changes to the city charter. This week, the City of Elkins is running a series of articles providing background and […]

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Fire Department

Fire Department Testing September 12

The Elkins Fire Department (EFD) will be performing civil service testing on September 12. The physical fitness testing and written testing will both be offered that day. There are currently no openings at EFD. However, the only way to be considered for […]

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City Hall News

City Hall News: June 22-26, 2020

Elkins, W. Va., June 20, 2020: On Monday, city officials will swear in the newest member of the Elkins Police Department, filling one of three current vacancies. In the next fiscal year, which commences July 1, an additional sworn officer position will […]

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