City Hall News: Week of February 6, 2023
Meeting this week are council’s Finance Committee, Rules & Ordinances Committee, Municipal Properties Committee, and Personnel Committee. Also meeting are the Elkins Tree Board and the Elkins Planning Commission.
The Finance Committee meets Monday at 10 a.m. to review proposed budget revisions and discuss the fleet fuel card.
Overdue utility accounts must be brought up to date before Tuesday to avoid shutoff.
Meeting Tuesday at 5:30 p.m., the Tree Board will discuss responsibilities of board members and officers, make plans for Arbor Day and other upcoming events, prepare its request to City of Elkins for inclusion in the FY 2024 budget, and brainstorm ideas for next year’s Division of Forestry Demonstration City grant application.
On Wednesday at 9 a.m., the Rules & Ordinances Committee continues discussion of regulation of animals inside city limits.
The Municipal Properties Committee meets Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. On the agenda are the proposed auction of equipment belonging to the Sanitation Department and a proposal from a contractor to provide services at the landfill.
On Thursday at 12 p.m., the Personnel Committee will discuss the compensation of the city’s municipal judge.
Meeting Thursday at 3:30 p.m., the Planning Commission will begin work on its decennial update of the city’s comprehensive plan, which must be completed by 2025.
All meetings are open to the public and, unless otherwise stated, held at Elkins City Call (401 Davis Avenue). Find agendas and other meeting information here:
Summer Time = Parks Time!
Summer is here, and the Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission wants everyone to know that the city’s parks are open for business fun! The Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission (EPRC) operates five parks, which together comprise 70 acres: Bluegrass Park, Davis Street […]
Read MoreUpdate 2: Edgewater Boil Water Advisory Lifted
Update as of 10/15, 9:41 a.m.: The Edgewater boil water advisory has been lifted. Lab tests detected no contamination in our sample. Thank you for your patience. Update as of 10/14, 8:35 a.m.: Repairs are complete and water service has been restored. […]
Read MoreMonitoring Leak at S. Davis and Ward
Elkins Water System employees are monitoring a leak on a 4-inch line near the intersection of South Davis Avenue and Ward Avenue. At this time, the plan is to allow the leak to flow and delay repairs for the following reasons: The […]
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