City Hall News: Week of Jan. 24, 2022
Meeting this week are the Elkins Water Board and council’s ad hoc Committee on Boards and Commissions. B&O tax returns are due Monday, January 31.
The water board meets Tuesday at 4 p.m. The agenda includes adoption of the City of Elkins Personnel Manual. The city’s water system workers are employed and supervised by the water board, not city council, so the board must take administrative actions such as these separately from council.
Meeting Wednesday at 9 a.m., the Committee on Boards and Commissions will review the Elkins-Randolph County Regional Airport Authority, the Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission, the Elkins Tree Board, and the Board of Trustees of the Elkins-Randolph County Library. This committee was formed to review boards, commissions, and authorities to which council has appointment authority. One purpose of these reviews is to ensure that these bodies are operating in compliance with local and state laws regarding number of members, election of officers, frequency of meetings, and similar matters.
Fourth quarter business and occupation (B&O) tax returns, as well as annual returns (for those businesses that file annually instead of quarterly), are due January 31.
All meetings are open to the public and, unless otherwise stated, held at Elkins City Call (401 Davis Avenue). Find agendas and other meeting information here:
City Hall News: Week of June 21, 2021
Elkins, W. Va., June 19, 2021: City hall is closed Monday in observance of West Virginia Day. Trash will be collected on the usual schedule. Meeting this week are the Elkins Water Board and council’s Boards & Commissions Committee. The Elkins Water […]
Read MoreElkins Council Considering Charter Changes Thursday
Elkins, W. Va., August 3, 2020: Elkins Common Council will hear a presentation from its charter-change consultant at Thursday’s 7 p.m. meeting. The presentation will include analysis of and recommendations for improving the city charter. Immediately following, council will begin public deliberations […]
Read MoreMunicipal Court Hours Changing July 1
Effective July 1, 2020, the Elkins Municipal Court’s hours will change. Starting on that date, court will be in session on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 p.m.-4:30 pm. Also, for individuals wishing to contest traffic and/or parking citations, the judge will be […]
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