City Hall News: Week of July 11, 2022
Meeting this week are council’s Public Safety Committee, ad hoc ARPA Advisory Committee, Rules & Ordinances Committee, ad hoc Special Hiring Committee, and Personnel Committee.
The Public Safety Committee meets Monday at 10 a.m. to prioritize dilapidated properties for enforcement efforts during the 2023 fiscal year, which started July 1.
Meeting Tuesday at 12 p.m., the ARPA Advisory Committee will hear requests to use ARPA funds from the Elkins Sanitary Board, the Elkins Water Board, and the Elkins Police Department.
The Rules & Ordinances Committee meets Wednesday at 9 a.m. The committee will consider a proposed rule concerning confidentiality of matters discussed in executive sessions and review the city’s charter and code provisions concerning the appointment and terms of administrative officers.
There is a meeting of the ad hoc Special Hiring Committee, which was formed to recruit a new operations manager, at 11 a.m. on Thursday. The Personnel Committee, comprising the same members, meets at noon to consider a request to create a new position in the Street Department and the reappointment of the city treasurer.
All meetings are open to the public and, unless otherwise stated, held at Elkins City Call (401 Davis Avenue). Find agendas and other meeting information here:
Why is Elkins holding virtual meetings?
Upon Mayor Broughton’s declaration of a citywide state of emergency on March 17, 2020, and based on recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control regarding minimizing infection risk during the coronavirus pandemic, Elkins Common Council temporarily suspended council and committee meetings. This […]
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Meeting this week are council’s Personnel Committee, ad hoc Organizational Audit Committee, and Municipal Properties Committee. Also meeting are the Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission and the Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission. Utility bills are due Monday. Council has raised water rates. The […]
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Meeting this week are the Elkins Sanitary Board, the Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission, and the Elkins Parks & Recreation Commission. Council meets Thursday, and the Darden Garden cleanup is Saturday. This month’s regular meetings of the Municipal Properties Committee and the Rules […]
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