City Hall News: Week of July 12, 2021
Elkins, W. Va., July 10, 2021: Meeting this week are council’s ad hoc ARPA Advisory Committee and Rules & Ordinances Committee. Council meets Thursday.
Meeting Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., the ARPA Advisory Committee will continue its consideration of possible uses for the approximately $3 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds awarded to Elkins. Funds will be disbursed this year and next and must be obligated no later than 2024.
The Rules & Ordinances Committee meets Wednesday at 9 a.m. The committee will consider proposed additions to the city’s home rule authorities and a request for additional safety requirements when single-family houses are converted to multi-family dwellings.
Council meets Thursday at 7 p.m. The agenda, which may be adjusted through Tuesday, currently includes allocation of excess FY 2021 revenues and reappointments to the Elkins Tree Board, the Board of Trustees of the Elkins-Randolph County Public Library, and the IPMC Appeals Board.
There remain two openings on the Board of Zoning Appeals. This board hears appeals of zoning decisions and will play an even more important role after the pending adoption of the updated zoning code. To learn more, including how to apply, see:
This week’s meetings will be held in person in the council chamber on the second floor of Elkins City Hall (401 Davis Avenue).
Visiting City Hall During the Pandemic: What to Expect
Updated July 6, 2020 to reflect the governor’s mandate to wear face coverings inside public buildings. Elkins City Hall is committed to the safety of its customers, its staff, and the community as a whole. Everyone entering city hall is asked to […]
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We are experiencing some interface issues with our website calendar. Please be patient while we work to address the problem with the help of our website developer. During this time, if you would like to confirm the date and time of any […]
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