By: Sutton StokesNovember 28, 2021

City Hall News: Week of Nov. 29, 2021

Meeting this week are the Elkins Board of Zoning Appeals and council’s ad hoc Special Hiring Committee. Council meets Thursday.

The Board of Zoning Appeals meets Tuesday at 5 p.m. to hear an appeal from a company proposing to build a 190-foot cell tower in the Elkins Industrial Park. Current zoning rules impose a maximum height of 150 feet.

The Special Hiring Committee meets Wednesday at 10 a.m. This committee was formed after the resignation of the former operations manager to oversee the process of finding a new one. Having already recommended a reorganization of the Operations Department, the committee will this week continue work to update the position’s job description and discuss a final timeline for hiring a new operations manager.

Council meets Thursday at 7 p.m. The agenda may be adjusted through Tuesday. Current items include the final readings of ordinances that would abandon unopened sections of Wilmoth Lane and Main Street, authorize submission of an application to amend the city’s home rule authorities, and revise parking penalties. There will also be a presentation by Shawn Whitehair of the Region VII Planning and Development Council, a state office with a mission of fostering community and economic development and intergovernmental cooperation.

All of these meetings will be held at Elkins City Hall (401 Davis Avenue) and are open to the public. Find agendas here:


City Hall News

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Press Release

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