By: Sutton StokesNovember 14, 2021

City Hall News: Week of November 15, 2021

Meeting this week are the Elkins Sanitary Board, Elkins Water Board, and council’s Personnel Committee, Municipal Properties Committee, and Special Hiring Committee. Council meets Thursday at 7 p.m., following a 6:30 p.m. public hearing concerning proposed new home rule authorities.

The regular meeting of the Public Safety Committee is cancelled, with a new date yet to be determined.

The Sanitary Board meets Monday at 3:15 p.m. on an agenda that includes an amendment to a loan agreement; the replacement of a utility truck, a generator, a backhoe, and the vacuum truck; and the vacuum-truck dump site at the Wastewater Treatment Site.

The Personnel Committee meets Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. New agenda items include proposed changes to policies concerning temporarily assigned duties and benefits for full-time employees.

At a special meeting of the Elkins Water Board on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. discussions on expenditure replacement and staffing will continue. Members will also hear reports from the Chief Water Operator and the Treasurer.

Meeting Wednesday at 9 a.m., the Municipal Properties Committee will first hold a hearing concerning a proposed alley abandonment near Terrace Avenue, then continue on an agenda that includes discussion of the abandonment request; next steps concerning the sanitation garage; and discussion of proposed “Welcome to Elkins” signs.

The Special Hiring Committee continues work on updating the operation manager’s job description Wednesday at 2 p.m.

Contact: Sutton Stokes City of Elkins External Affairs Phone: 304-636-1414, ext. 1212 Email:

On Thursday, at 6:30 p.m., there will be a public hearing concerning proposed amendments to the city’s home rule authority. More information:

Council meets Thursday at 7 p.m. The agenda may be adjusted through Tuesday. Current items include the final reading of an ordinance abandoning sections of Main Street and Wilmoth Avenue, at the request of the adjacent property owners; changes to penalties for parking violations; the reappointment of the city treasurer; other appointments to boards and commissions; a proposed contract for next year’s downtown flowers program; changes to the city’s organizational chart recommended by council’s ad hoc Special Hiring Committee; and consideration of proposed expenditures of ARPA funds. Also at Thursday’s meeting, two police officers will be promoted.

To avoid penalties, utility bill and in-city Fire & Rescue Fee payments are due to the Treasurer’s Office no later than Wednesday.

All meetings listed above are open to the public and will be held at Elkins City Hall (401 Davis Avenue). Agendas may be found on our website in advance of the meetings:


City Hall News

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