By: Sutton StokesMarch 4, 2022

Spring Cleanup To Be Offered April 4-15

Note: The Elkins City Hall March newsletter printed incorrect dates for Spring Cleanup 2022. The dates in this blog post are correct.

The City of Elkins Operations Department will be offering Spring Cleanup April 5-15. Street Department crews will visit each ward to collect certain categories of bulk refuse items at no charge. This service is for residences only, not businesses. No more than one level pickup-truck load will be accepted from each household, and loose trash will not be collected.

The ward schedule is as follows:

  • First Ward: April 4-5
  • Second Ward: April 6-7
  • Third Ward: April 8 & 11
  • Fourth Ward: April 12-13
  • Fifth Ward: April 14-15

Not sure what ward you’re in? Use our online Spring Cleanup tool to enter your address and find out what dates we’ll be in your area.

To take advantage of this service, please have all items at the curb in front of your house or building no later than 5:30 a.m. on the first assigned day for your ward. Crews will not return to the part of the ward they visited on the first day, so placing your items out on the second day may result in your items being left behind.

Crews will only accept one level pickup truck load from each residence. The following items will not be accepted: appliances, tires, free flowing liquids, batteries, and yard waste. Please make all items as easy to collect as possible, such as by bagging or boxing smaller items. Crews will not collect loose trash.


Spring Cleanup

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