City Hall News: March 16-20, 2020
Elkins W. Va., March 14, 2020: Monday sees the regular meeting of the Elkins Sanitary Board at 3:15 p.m. The sanitary board oversees the city’s wastewater (i.e., sewage) collection system and treatment plant. At this week’s meeting, the board will hear an update on the upcoming Phase II Sewer Project and review invoices and financial statements. The Phase II Sewer Project is the final component of a 2012 consent decree between Elkins and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, requiring the city to install separate stormwater lines in certain parts of the city to reduce sewage overflows to the river during heavy rain events.
Administrative officers and council’s Finance Committee continue work on the budget for fiscal year 2021 this week. After administrative officers finetune their requests and recommendations Monday, the committee meets in special session on Tuesday at 9 a.m. for further budget discussions.
The Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission meets at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Darden House (next door to city hall). Council’s Municipal Properties Committee meets at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Later that same day, at 5 p.m., the Elkins Parks and Recreation Commission meets at the Phil Gainer Community Center.
The agenda for Thursday’s council meeting will not be finalized until Tuesday, when—in addition to being posted in the city hall lobby and in the kiosk on Davis Avenue—it will also be uploaded to the city website. Agenda items submitted so far include a request from the fire department for permission to apply for a Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) grant from FEMA (to fund new firefighter positions) and the proposed reappointment of the city attorney.
All council and committee meetings are open to the public and, unless otherwise stated, held at city hall (401 Davis Avenue). More information:
Elkins Simplifies Agenda Access, Management with Online Platform
Members of the public have a new way to access Elkins council agendas online and can even sign up to be notified when a new agenda is posted, thanks to an online agenda management platform that council recently adopted. The new online […]
Read MoreOpen Letter About the Swinging Bridge: Context, History, and Options
Friday afternoon, Mayor Broughton delivered the following letter to residents of Chestnut and Dowell streets who requested information about the city’s plans for the swinging bridge. It is published here to provide more information about the history and realistic options for replacing […]
Read MoreCity Hall News: Week of July 12, 2021
Elkins, W. Va., July 10, 2021: Meeting this week are council’s ad hoc ARPA Advisory Committee and Rules & Ordinances Committee. Council meets Thursday. Meeting Tuesday at 1:30 p.m., the ARPA Advisory Committee will continue its consideration of possible uses for the […]
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