City Hall News: November 7, 2020
Elkins, W. Va., November 7, 2020: This week will see meetings of council’s Public Safety Committee and Rules & Ordinances Committee. Council meets in special session Monday, after a public hearing concerning proposed changes to the city charter.
The Public Safety Committee meets Monday at 10 a.m. to discuss management of the Elkins Police Department vehicle fleet and adoption of a new version of the International Property Maintenance Code.
On Monday at 5 p.m., council will hold a public hearing concerning the proposed charter changes. Council released a draft of a new city charter last month and commenced the process necessary to adopt it by ordinance. Immediately after Monday’s hearing closes, council will meet for the first of two readings of the ordinance adopting the new charter. The second reading is scheduled for November 19. (Learn more:
City hall will be closed on Wednesday in observance of Veterans Day. Garbage will be collected on the regular schedule.
On Thursday at noon, the Rules & Ordinances Committee continues considering whether to allow the use of ATVs/UTVs on city streets. This possibility is enabled by a change made to state law this year; new language in state code would impose minimum safety and other requirements for these vehicles before they could be considered “street legal.” Committee members request input from the public on this matter. (See:
In March 2021, Elkins voters will elect a council member from each of the city’s five wards and a mayor. Candidates may file until Friday, November 20. Prospective candidates should make an appointment with the city clerk to ensure all paperwork is correctly filed: (304) 636-1414, ext. 1211. (Learn more:
All meetings are open to the public and are held at Elkins City Hall (401 Davis Avenue), unless otherwise stated.
Avoid Frozen Pipes
We are receiving calls about frozen pipes. Unfortunately, there is little that Water Department personnel can do to help this situation while the freeze is ongoing. To reduce the chances your pipes will freeze: • Leave COLD water dripping from a faucet […]
Read MoreStorm Warning: Plan for power outages/loss of heat
There is a Winter Storm Warning in effect through 10 a.m. Friday, with significant accumulations of snow and ice predicted. These conditions may result in power outages and loss of heat. If you are without heat and need assistance, please call 911. […]
Read MoreElkins Residents Object to Certain Charter Changes
Elkins, W. Va., November 6, 2020: The Elkins City Clerk is in receipt of objections to two proposed changes to the city charter. Unless these objections or any others received by the end of Monday’s 5 p.m. hearing are withdrawn by November […]
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