City Hall News: Week of June 20, 2022
Meeting this week are council’s ad hoc Organizational Audit Committee and Rules & Ordinances Committee. Also meeting is the Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission. City hall is closed Monday, but trash will be collected as usual.
Business-license renewals are due by Thursday. All outstanding B&O taxes must be paid before the new license will be issued. To avoid penalty, pay utility bills no later than Sunday. Pay online here:
The Historic Landmarks Commission meets Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Darden House (next door to city hall). There are no new-business agenda items; old business items include an update on stained-glass window repair, consideration of renting space in the Darden House for meetings, and an update on Maplewood Cemetery.
The Organizational Audit Committee continues its work Wednesday at 1 p.m., when the city’s five administrative officers will present initial ideas for improving efficiency within and among their departments.
On Thursday at 8:30 a.m., the Rules & Ordinances Committee will meet in special session to discuss a proposed ordinance that would create a framework to enable restaurants to offer outside dining on public sidewalks. (It is already legal for restaurants to offer outside dining on their own property.)
This weekend, the Kump Education Center is hosting an open house on Saturday and Sunday, 2-5 p.m., at the historic Governor Kump House on Randolph Avenue. The event will feature vintage Kump family wedding dresses and memorabilia, new interpretive displays, a visit by a reenactor portraying Eleanor Roosevelt at 3 p.m., and tours. The event is free and open to the public, but donations are encouraged. Parking is available at the rear of the house. For more information, call 304-637-7820.
All meetings are open to the public and, unless otherwise stated, held at Elkins City Call (401 Davis Avenue). Find agendas and other meeting information here:
City Glass Recycling Drop-off Site Reopens
The city’s glass recycling dropoff site near Robert E. Lee Avenue/Flood Control Road has been reopened. The site was closed in early February as the containers were full. As of today, our contractor has emptied the containers and the site is operational […]
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This time last year, South Elkins was the scene of near-constant excavation work as a city contractor installed new underground pipes to carry storm water to the river. As is still the case in much of Elkins, South Elkins had no storm-water […]
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The 2021 city election is fast approaching–and City of Elkins needs your help. On March 2, 2021, voters will elect a new mayor and a council member from each of the city’s five wards. Voters will also decide ballot questions that could […]
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