City Hall News: Week of June 21, 2021
Elkins, W. Va., June 19, 2021: City hall is closed Monday in observance of West Virginia Day. Trash will be collected on the usual schedule. Meeting this week are the Elkins Water Board and council’s Boards & Commissions Committee.
The Elkins Water Board (which oversees the city’s water system) meets Tuesday at 4 p.m. to hear an update on the water-meter replacement project and review invoices and financial statements.
The Boards & Commissions Committee meets Thursday at 9 a.m. This is an ad hoc committee charged with reviewing the establishing ordinances and current practices and procedures of city-appointed boards and commissions to ensure compliance with state law. This week, the committee will discuss the Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission, the Elkins Planning Commission, and the Elkins Housing Authority (the governing body for Gateway Apartments).
In addition to ongoing work on the sewer/stormwater separation project and the water-meter replacement project, two separate crews are milling and paving city streets in various locations around the city. Please subscribe to the city’s newsletter to receive closure announcements:
Business license renewals are due to the Treasurer’s Department by June 30. You must be current on B&O taxe in order to renew. If you have not yet received a license renewal form in the mail, or if you are applying for your first license, you must first submit a copy of your state business license to the Treasurer’s Department.
Unless otherwise stated, meetings are held in the Elkins City Hall council chamber. Unvaccinated persons must wear face coverings.
City Hall News: Week of May 2, 2022
Meeting next week are council’s Finance Committee and the Elkins Tree Board. Council meets Thursday. Overdue utility accounts must be brought up to date before Wednesday to avoid shutoff. The Finance Committee meets Monday at 10 a.m. Agenda items include proposed FY […]
Read MoreEFD: Install Carbon Monoxide Alarms, Test Monthly
Colorless, Odorless Gas is an Invisible Killer Elkins, W. Va., February 12, 2021: The Elkins Fire Department is reminding area residents of the importance of installing carbon monoxide (CO) alarms in the home and testing them once a month. CO alarms provide […]
Read MorePublic Meeting for Phase II Sewer Project
The City of Elkins will hold a public informational meeting on Monday, October 29, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. concerning the Phase II Sewer Project as mandated by the Long-Term Control Plan. All individuals interested in learning more about this project are encouraged […]
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