City Hall News: Week of May 23, 2022
Meeting this week are the Elkins Planning Commission and the Elkins Board of Zoning Appeals. Also meeting are council’s Municipal Properties Committee, ad hoc ARPA Advisory Committee, ad hoc Organizational Audit Committee, and Rules & Ordinances Committee.
The Planning Commission meets virtually Monday at 1 p.m. The commission has been working since 2016 on updating the city’s zoning laws and is nearing the completion of its work. This meeting’s agenda includes review of needed amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan, review of the final proposed draft zoning ordinance, and various actions required by law to officially transmit the proposed draft zoning ordinance to council for commencement of that body’s final approval process. More:
At 9 a.m. on Tuesday, the Municipal Properties Committee meets on an agenda that includes discussion of where a generator needed for the Tygart Hotel project might be located in the Seneca Mall parking lot, a memorandum of understanding with the Elkins Historic Landmarks Commission, lease agreements for Darden House office-space tenants, and next steps on the creation of updated “Welcome to Elkins” signs.
The ARPA Advisory Committee meets Tuesday at 12 p.m. Agenda items include requests for ARPA funds to pay for a study of a sewer-line expansion along North Randolph Avenue and the replacement of a service truck for the Wastewater Collection Department. The committee will also discuss procedures for ARPA funds returned as unspent by community organizations.
The Organizational Audit Committee meets Tuesday at 1 p.m. This ad hoc committee was formed to study and recommend changes to the city’s organizational structure. At this, its first, meeting, the committee will discuss procedures and scope of work.
The Rules & Ordinances Committee meets Wednesday at 9 a.m. On the agenda are open containers, outdoor dining, and deer population control.
The Board of Zoning Appeals meets Wednesday at 4 p.m. The board will review the current process for zoning appeals and discuss procedures for recording hearings.
The Treasurer’s Office will be closed on Thursday for a staff meeting from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. First-due area (i.e., outside city limits) Fire & Rescue Service Fee payments are due June 1st. FY2023 business license applications have been mailed out and are due by June 30th. Any outstanding B&O taxes must be paid before a FY2023 business license will be issued.
All meetings are open to the public and, unless otherwise stated, held at Elkins City Call (401 Davis Avenue). Find agendas and other meeting information here:
5/3 Paving Plans (Tentative)
Today, Southern West Virginia Paving plans to mill Riverview Drive and the alley behind the YMCA. Milling might continue on 5th Street, between Davis Avenue and Railroad Avenue, time allowing. The Southern West Virginia Paving Company’s blacktop plant has broken down. If […]
Read MoreMunicipal Court Hours Changing July 1
Effective July 1, 2020, the Elkins Municipal Court’s hours will change. Starting on that date, court will be in session on Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 p.m.-4:30 pm. Also, for individuals wishing to contest traffic and/or parking citations, the judge will be […]
Read MoreCity Hall News: November 7, 2020
Elkins, W. Va., November 7, 2020: This week will see meetings of council’s Public Safety Committee and Rules & Ordinances Committee. Council meets in special session Monday, after a public hearing concerning proposed changes to the city charter.
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