Justice Calls Masks Crucial to Reducing Infections
Masks are crucial to reduce the spread of coronavirus, Governor Jim Justice emphasized at yesterday’s press briefing.
He used the country of Japan as a comparison with the United States.
Japan has lost less than 800 people to coronavirus so far—that is, 800 cumulative coronavirus deaths.
The United States has lost an average of about 1,000 people a day since February 15. Our cumulative virus death toll is more than 93,000 people, as of May 21.
What’s the difference between the two countries?
Masks, Justice explained.
“In the nation of Japan… they’ve all got masks on when they’re outside,” he said. “They’re just trying to look out for themselves.”
Justice urged West Virginia to bring this lesson home to the Mountain State.
“West Virginia, please: wear your mask if you’re going to be out in a group of people,” he said. “Protect yourself and protect others. That’s all there is to it.”
A recent study found that, if 80 percent of people would wear masks, there would be almost no need for continued shutdowns: https://www.foxnews.com/science/coronavirus-infections-plunge-80-percent-wore-masks. (This study has not yet been peer reviewed.)
Note on comparing the U.S. and Japan: Japan’s population is 38 percent of the United State’s population. To make an apples to apples comparison, multiply Japan’s deaths by about 2.6. Correcting for population difference this way, Japan’s cumulative coronavirus death toll is the equivalent of about 2,500 deaths in the United States—still considerably less than the United States’s cumulative death toll of more than 93,000.
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