Street Paving Wednesday and Thursday
The 2021 street paving season has begun.
Today, contractors are already milling joints at the ends of the following alleys and streets. Parking and traffic will not be significantly disrupted.
- Coca Cola Alley between 11th Street and 10th Street
- 7th Street between Harrison Avenue and Gorman Avenue
- George Street between Maryland Avenue and Heavner Avenue
- Moose Alley between Davis Avenue and Kerens Avenue
- Intermountain Alley between 5th Street and 6th Street
Thursday, contractors will mill the following streets. Streets will be closed with no parking while milling proceeds.
- Main Street between Glendale Avenue and Worth Avenue
- Pleasant Avenue between State Street and Orchard Street
- 3rd Street from Kerens Avenue to Henry Avenue
- Henry Avenue from Randolph Avenue to Second Street
- Railroad Avenue from Sweco Furniture to Wilson Street
- S. Henry Avenue from 10th Street to the dead end at the pedestrian bridge
Learn more about paving and patching in Elkins by clicking here.
Elkins council meetings to be streamed online
Elkins, W. Va., July 14, 2021: Elkins City Council meetings can now be viewed online, thanks to a newly installed streaming system that transmits both audio and video from the council chamber in city hall to the city’s Facebook and YouTube pages. […]
Read MoreCity Hall News: Week of May 24, 2021
Elkins, W. Va., May 22, 2021: The only meeting next week is that of the Elkins Water Board. Work continues on water-meter replacement and sewer/stormwater separation, and a bid has been accepted by council for the city hall parking lot project. Meeting […]
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The drop-off location for recycling yard waste and glass is moving from Jones Drive to the grounds of the City of Elkins Street Department, at 1 Baxter Street. The new location will open to receive recyclables on Friday, January 13. The new […]
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